
Welcome to Shine

Creative therapy sessions and drop-in playgroups in Swindon, Cirencester, Dursley and Gloucester for mothers dealing with depression, anxiety, isolation or overwhelm…

Creative Therapy & Drop-Ins

Our courses offer creative therapy, support and advice in a safe, child-free space for you to work through worries and concerns, while gently creating a piece of art that you can be proud of; while our dedicated Shine drop-ins are judgement-free, loving and supportive spaces to connect with other mums, being open and honest about your feelings, thoughts and experiences.

~ Find out about each of our locations and weekly sessions below ~


Creative therapy sessions on Mondays and Thursdays, and drop-ins on Mondays and Tuesdays in North Swindon and Old Town


Drop-ins on Tuesdays, 10-11:30am, Gloucester Deaf Assocation, Barnwood, Gloucester


Creative therapy sessions on Mondays and Fridays, and drop-ins on Mondays, at The Baptist Church in Cirencester


Creative therapy sessions on Tuesdays and drop-ins on Mondays at Kingshill House, Dursley

Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.
— Roy T Bennett


Our wonderful community artists come from a range of backgrounds, from textiles and tapestry to poetry and mosaics. They are all women, and many are ex-Shine mothers with lived experiences of depression and anxiety.


We are supported by a wonderful team of volunteers, EX-Shine mums, inspiring women and devoted trustees who help make Shine possible every day. Hear about why we’re so lucky to be a part of this community.


“Shine saved me. There’s no other way to put it. During a time when I could see no happiness in life, cried every time I had to go out in public, cried every day because my new parental world overwhelmed me, and the valiant efforts of various professional councillors seemed to have no effect; Shine was the one thing that made me happy.”


Support Shine

We are an entirely charitable organisation and the important work that we do is only made possible by the generous donations and grants we receive each year. If you want to support us you can do so by donating whatever you can via the link below, or, if you would like to discuss a more regular donation or a larger sum or funding commitment, we would love to hear from you.