Featured Artist: Hoop by Alice

One Shine mum shares her journey from trauma and depression to starting her own creative business…

I started my embroidery journey when I was pregnant with my son. I went to school in the states and wasn’t taught sewing in school so self taught myself.

I have a very creative job and really missed expressing myself in that way when I stopped working.

Unfortunately, I had an extremely traumatic birth where my son and I were at risk of losing our lives. I then suffered with post-traumatic stress disorder as well as postnatal depression as a result of this.

Shine helped me so much. The support network, the completely open and honest conversations, the creativity and self-expression was vital in my recovery and I have made some amazing friends through the experience that were my shoulders to cry on and I was theirs.


I realised creativity was paramount in my personal recovery and so I continued working and getting better with each project.

I now sell my hoops and take commissions and the self-worth in knowing someone loves and wants to buy my artwork is incredible.

Without Shine, I wouldn’t be where I am now and I may not have continued pursuing my embroideries. I will always be a proud shine mummy and a proud embroidery artist.”

Find Alice at:
Instagram @hoopsbyalice
Facebook Shine Marketplace
Etsy www.etsy.com/uk/shop/HoopsbyAlice

We are so pleased to be a part of these amazing mummies’ creative journeys and so grateful to our Shine artists for inspiring and innovating, whilst nurturing and supporting all the mums they meet.

You can find more of these creations on our Facebook Shine Marketplace.

Lauraine Cheesman